

Personal automobile consumption loan

  Applicant’s qualification:

  1.       Applicants must have the book of registered permanent residence or other valid resided identification, stable residence is essential;

  2.       Applicants must have signed automobile sales agreement or contract which the designated dealer by our bank;

  3.       Applicants must have personal automobile consumption fund more the application loan;

  4.       The couple of applicants must set the automobile as mortgage to the personal automobile consumption loan in consent.

  5.       Applicants must purchase all the insurance required by our bank to the automobile;

  6.       Applicants must have a third party capable of repaying the loans and interest due as a joint-liability guarantor.

  7.       Other requirements stated by our bank.

  Documentation Required:

  1.  Applicants’ identification;

  2.       Applicants’ book of registered permanent residence;

  3.       Applicants’ proof of income;

  4.       Applicants’ proof of credit standing and respectability (i.e. House proprietary certificate, driving license, national debt book, deposit receipt, stock, fund and etc)

  5.       Copies of repayment account;

  6.       Other documents if our bank requires.

  Service Channel and Time:

  To apply, submit the application to the local Bank of Kunlun outlets.

  All the content stated above is for your reference only. Please consult the local branch of Bank of Kunlun for further information.